Session 1: YOU

This deep dive into You and your parts using the Internal Family Systems lens of viewing personality is given by Susan Mason.

Deep Learning here means discovering ways to know who you are, your feelings and beliefs; the way you act in moments of conflict.

The session is like a deep dive into who we are as individuals and the needs we have.


It is only through a better understanding of yourself, a deeper awareness of how you work, that you can approach your relationship with the right mindset.

The session is given by Susan Mason LCSW, a highly qualified couples therapist who has more than 25 years of experience working with couples and individuals in therapy in Chicago


This deep dive into you in relationship is given by Dr. Beth Rogerson, who is trained in the models of Internal Family Systems and Intimacy from the Inside Out for individuals and couples.

Deep Learning here means understanding yourself better from the inside out, in relationship to your self when you are in relationship.  This session will teach you ways to stop, and notice you are triggered and give you the tools to understand your reaction so that you can better choose your response


This session is a deep dive into knowing what is happening inside of you  which then supports you to know your needs better and be ready to connect and express them calmly clearly and authentically.

The session is given by Dr Beth Rogerson, who has worked to help couples around the world find the right steps to take for a better connection for over 25 years


The final Deep Learning session here is given by Roberta Omin and gives you a roadmap for Returning to Repair and Reconnection after a conflict.

After practicing an Adult Time Out and U-turn, knowing our feelings, behaviors and needs, we can then come back to our relationship with awareness, calm and self-compassion.  


This deep dive is courageously sharing with our partner what we have learned about ourselves and then listening with an open heart to what they have to tell us.  This practice brings you back to your relationship thereby creating more depth and connection between you and your partner.

This session is given by Roberta Omin LCSW who has worked in New York with couples and individuals for more than 25 years.


Moving forward…

As you come away from the three sessions, you may feel the next step in your journey is to take one-on-one counseling with a professional therapist. You might realize that it’s time to seek professional guidance through couples therapy. Or it may even help you understand that the right way forward is to leave your relationship, acting from a position of calm.

The Love Kit will give you the Deep Learning to move forward intentionally, aware of your needs and wants, and the ways we can build sustainable, intimate relationships.